Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Telcel Hints at iPhone Hardware update

Marco Quatorze, Telcel's Director of Value Added Services in Mexico, says that Apple will release a new  iPhone 4 hardware update by the end of September that will fix the reception issues facing this new iPhone.

As of September 30 Telcel will be available in new devices that do not have the malfunction of the reception and explained that the company will have several options to make changes from one phone to another flawed not to take: "If the previous plan is over, you will need to hire a new change for iPhone 4. If, for example, already has one and take three months for payment, change the cell with a re-employment and takes into account the previous time, so instead of paying 24 months, only done in 21."

It's unclear whether the statement has been verified by apple or the director of Telcel is simply assuming a hardware update will come out because of the end of Apple free bumper case program. Its’ possible, though unlikely, that Apple will announce something about a the iPhone 4’s reception problems.

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