Monday, August 9, 2010

Big Brother Camera App

The new big brother app has just been released. This app is for safeguarding your iPhone. When set it you must enter a passcode to gain access to your iPhone. If it is incorrect it will notify you by e-mail. The report includes the location, time, and two pictures of the user. If the app is quit, the location, time, and yes two pictures will be sent. The only downside is that it's a one-time shot if it's stolen. Thats's because the person is highly unlikely to start the app again. But the face should be enough to regain your iPhone. It should be good to point out however that this is iPhone 4 only.

Daniel Amitay
v. 1.0
August 6, 2010

Update: Daniel plans to update this app to include all iPhones and potentionally iPod Touches!

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