Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Super Simple Guide for First time Jailbreakers

After you've jailbroken you might be wondering what to do. For first time jailbreakers here's a super simple guide to help you guys started. It includes one tweak, one app, and a theme. Let me know how it all turns out or if you would like to remove any of the below.
1. Open Cydia, go to "manage" then "sources" and add the source "sinfuliphonerepo.com"
2. Search "android lock" You should see something like "Android Lock XT cracked" Select that but make sure it's "cracked"
3. Install "Winterboard" It is a program that allows you to install cool themes. Here is where select the themes you have downloaded. 
4. Install "Neuroline". It is a moving wallpaper similar to the Google Nexus One. After installing it go back to winterboard and select the theme like so:
Definition of cracked: an app that normally costs money but is a pirated version of that app.

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